Windows 8 AIO 16 in 1 FINAL Build 9200 (Permanent Activator Included)

Version's Included in this ISO are:
This is Windows 8 Final (Build 9200)
x86 (32-bit)
Windows 8 x86
Windows 8 N x86
Windows 8 Pro x86
Windows 8 Pro VL x86
Windows 8 Pro N x86
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x86
Windows 8 Enterprise x86
Windows 8 Enterprise N x86

x64 (64-bit)
Windows 8 x64
Windows 8 N x64
Windows 8 Pro x64
Windows 8 Pro VL x64
Windows 8 Pro N x64
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center x64
Windows 8 Enterprise x64
Windows 8 Enterprise N x64

Don't forget to follow the instruction in the Readme file.



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Sumber : oxava

Part 2

Dilarang Spam !!